Admissions open for Professional Photography Programs. Call +91 9619315130 for enquiry. Or send us a mail to [email protected]


                                                                        ADMISSION OPEN

                                                   commercial photography     photojournalism
The answer is simple. It’s one of the biggest in India and perhaps the biggest in Mumbai with a premise of over 10,000 square feet area, solely dedicated to photography.The regular faculty is vast and comprises award winning photographers, including India’s first ever Pulitzer Prize Nominee in Photography.   Added to it there have been many a legend who have been visiting faculty and guest speakers at Udaan. And most importantly the list of Udaan’s notable alumni is long and impressive.
Something we are very proud of......

Based in Mumbai, Delhi & Kolkata, Udaan School of Photography, offers a multitude of knowledge-intensive short-term and full-time courses and workshops to a broad spectrum of photography enthusiasts, be it hobbyists or career aspirants. The courses range from basic & advanced photography during weekends to full-time, professional courses in Photojournalism and Commercial Photography. Udaan also conducts short-term photography workshops and holds medium-term courses and modules.....

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Admissions open for Professional Photography Course. Call +91 9619315130 for enquiry


Earlier this year, commercial photography students went on an out-of-station fashion photography shoot, with a few models, make up artist, state-of-the-art Broncolor lights and a couple of faculty members.On day 1, it seemed the inclement weather would play spoilsport. The torrential rains never seemed to
let up, but eventually the clouds made way for the
sun and everyone had a lot of fun shooting and
learning. As they say 'All's well, that ends well'.

In a first of its kind, students and faculty of Udaan School of Photography, Mumbai, shoot most accurate and amazing time slices, also known as bullet time, with 30 cameras, large rigs and complex lighting at its own premise with completely in-house equipment and shooting know-how. A difficult feat to accomplish even for professional production houses.



A glimpse into the fashion & food photography classes for the Commercial Photography students of 2016-17 batch.
We also welcome photographers Dilip Yande and Sheldon Periera and food stylist Trupti into the Udaan fold as its new members of the faculty.

Well known fashion photographer  Nisha Kutty  conducted an interesting workshop on fashion & beauty photography for the commercial photography students. Here is a short glimpse.






                At Udaan, each subject is taught
                by specialists in the field.There
                are no short-cuts or gimmicks.      
                Run by a conglomerate of top
                present professionals, Udaan is
                an institute with a pedigree. It is
                for the serious minded who wish
                to reach the top - not any less !
                This is the single most important
                goal that we strive for. Infact,it is
                the reason why it all began in the
                first place. And this at an
                affordable fee, while maintaining
                top quality visual arts education.

The experienced faculty of Udaan brings to table, a melting pot of ideas and creativity that will enrich the student’s pursuit of photography.
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"Udaan" as the name suggests was an important tool in shaping the creative minds of all those who has the passion and zest for photography...Nisreen

"I finally found Udaan where I felt I can place my best bets with...Annoda

"Udaan: Great institute for Photography enthusiast, the place and it's course get even better...Hetal Prajodh

"I enjoyed the course immensely for a number of reasons...Rohan

"It is a perfect place to learn photography, especially if you are passionate about pursuing it as a career...Ishaaq Petiwala
udaan @ Copyright 2012